by Michael R. Kaiser | Personal Injury
Motorists and pedestrians in California have long held the stereotype of the person driving the fancy car who does not extend courtesy to other drivers and pedestrians. Now, there is a study that presents data that shows that this may actually be a pattern instead of...
by Michael R. Kaiser | Personal Injury
Truck accidents are a growing concern in California. Because the state is a prominent destination for deliveries and produces a variety of products shipped across the country, these vehicles are constantly on the road. The risks of a truck crash have long been...
by Michael R. Kaiser | Personal Injury
One of the most common reasons for injuries and fatalities in California is being involved in an automobile accident. Trucks are often viewed as a significant threat on the road, so it is wise to understand the dangers connected to them. After there has been a crash,...
by Michael R. Kaiser | Personal Injury
Many California residents have heard the sobering statistics about drunk driving related deaths. In the United States 30 people on average die every day in automobile accidents where the driver was drunk. This means approximately one person dies every 48 minutes.These...
by Michael R. Kaiser | Personal Injury
California residents who are involved in a truck accident should know that such accidents normally arise for one of five reasons. The first is driver error, and this cuts both ways. In fact, studies show that as much as 81% of all truck crashes involving driver error...
by Michael R. Kaiser | Personal Injury
According to data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatalities resulting from trucking accidents are the highest they’ve been in 30 years. In 2018, more than 880 occupants of large trucks died in accidents on roadways throughout...