People who have suffered a serious injury to their spinal cord likely experience the consequences of that type of injury every day. Whether they have been paralyzed or have had their respiratory or gastrointestinal systems affected as a result of a catastrophic accident, victims very often will have their lives change dramatically after a trauma like this. 

In an attempt to raise awareness of the difficulties that victims of a spinal injury face day in and day out, September has been named as Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month in California and nationwide. The efforts were launched by Allsup and United Spinal Association and will hopefully shine a light on those who are coping with these injuries and remind us of how significantly a person can be affected by a spinal cord injury.

Spinal cord injuries can happen in a wide range of accidents. Falls, motor vehicle accidents, industrial accidents and even sports-related collisions can all result in a severe injury to the spinal cord. Depending on the location of the injury on the spinal cord, a person could end up losing some or all voluntary control of their body below the site of the trauma.

Because of how severe these types of injuries can be, the cost of treating a person with a spinal cord injury can be quite substantial. Often times, victims require rehabilitation efforts, psychological treatment, doctor visits, surgery and special equipment to help them cope with and recover from the injury. And because victims are often unable to work after a traumatic spinal cord injury, paying for these treatments can become impossible.

This is why many victims of a spinal cord injury work with an attorney to pursue compensation from a negligent party. Money cannot undo the damage that has been done in an accident, but it can make it easier for victims to focus less on trying to pay the bills and more on their recovery. 

Source: CBS 8, “United Spinal and Allsup highlight resources for Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month,” Sept. 17, 2013