California motorcyclists may be interested to learn that, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 4,976 motorcycle fatalities in 2015. The number was an 8 percent increase over the previous year, where there were 4,594 fatalities. However, there were 88,000 reported motorcycle injuries in 2015, a 3 percent decrease from the previous year.

The NHTSA broke down the numbers by driver behavior and other factors, such as age. Ultimately, the NHTSA found that 27 percent of motorcyclists who were involved in a fatal motorcycle crash in 2015 were over the legal alcohol limit. Motorcyclists who were killed in accidents that occurred at night were three times more likely to have been under the influence of alcohol than motorcyclists killed during daytime accidents. Further, 33 percent of motorcyclists who were involved in fatal crashes were driving at speeds that were over the posted speed limit and 27 percent were driving without a valid driver’s license.

When it comes to ages of motorcyclists who were involved in fatal accidents in 2015, 54 percent of motorcyclists who died were 40 or over. Additionally, older motorcyclists suffered injuries that were more serious when compared to injuries suffered by younger motorcyclists. This may be due to a number of factors, including increased bodily fragility, the type of bike older riders tend to ride and declines in reaction time.

Serious motorcycle accidents could leave riders with life-changing injuries. When the accident has been caused by the negligence of another motorist, such as a car driver who was distracted or impaired, an attorney could be of assistance in seeking compensation for medical bills and other losses sustained by an injured victim.