For homeowners in California and throughout the country, a pool can have many benefits for social gatherings and fitness. However, a pool can also be a safety hazard if appropriate precautions are not taken. One safety measure a person can take is to install a fence and an alarm.

The fence should be at least 4 feet high and be made of material that makes climbing difficult. Items that could help a person climb over the fence should be kept away from it. In addition to securing the pool, chemicals used to keep it clean should be properly sealed and kept in a secure location. Containers containing potentially hazardous materials should be clearly labeled. Finally, homeowners should create pool safety rules that are consistently enforced.

Generally speaking, these rules should prohibit anyone from running, riding a bicycle or tricycle or engaging in horseplay near the pool. Radios and other electrical equipment should not be allowed near a pool, and diving should be prohibited in pools that are not deep enough to do it safely. By following these safety tips, homeowners can limit their liability in the event that a person gets hurt in or around their pools.

Homeowners may be liable for head injuries or any other injuries a person experiences while on their property. This could be true even if the injured person was not allowed to be there when an accident occurred. Those who are facing a premises liability lawsuit might benefit from speaking with an attorney. An attorney may create a defense to an injured person’s accusation or help a homeowner determine if their insurance policy will cover a judgement.