Slippery floors and spoiled produce can pose problems for grocery store owners and operators in California. To combat the problem of slip-and-fall accidents, grocery stores may put down mats or other materials that are easier to walk on. They will also mop floors on a regular basis or wax them to keep people from slipping or otherwise getting hurt. In some cases, employees will walk the store and take note of potential hazards.

However, tools such as Argo Risk Tech make it possible to collect data about hazards in a store and take steps to mitigate them. It also allows store managers to learn about the most common types of incidents being reported at a given location. Having this information makes it possible to eliminate dangerous conditions before they exist on the premises. One of the top benefits of using a software program to collect data is that store owners can count on the information being recorded.

This isn’t always the case when an employee is in charge of doing so. Technology can also help to keep tabs on the temperature that produce, meat and dairy products are being kept at. If customers are given spoiled food, it could make them sick and result in lasting damage to the store’s brand.

Those who are injured as a result of slippery floors may experience long-term pain and other negative consequences after slipping and falling. In some cases, the full extent of a person’s injuries can’t be known for weeks or months after the accident occurs. However, it may be possible to collect compensation in a premises liability case. An attorney could help to establish that a property owner knew of a dangerous condition and did not try to mitigate that condition.