Two cars collided with a bicyclist in Palm Springs on March 14, 2017. The bicyclist was hospitalized, and no drivers or passengers in the two vehicles suffered any injuries. Unfortunately, accidents like this are fairly common in Coachella Valley.

If you have been involved in a similar accident while riding your bike, you might be wondering what you should do. The actions you take at the scene and the following days are crucial to the success of any claim you might bring. Here is a guide to follow after a bicycle accident.

Take steps at the scene

When you get struck by a vehicle while leisurely riding your bike, you are likely disoriented, angry and confused. However, it is important for you to take the following steps:

  • Wait for police and do not leave the scene.
  • Tell law enforcement your version of events for the accident report.
  • Collect contact information from any drivers and witnesses.
  • Take pictures of the scene, including damage to your bike and any visible injuries.

Documenting these details will help your chances of negotiating a successful insurance settlement or asking proper compensation in an injury lawsuit.

Keep track of medical expenses

Even if you only have minor injuries, seek medical attention as soon as possible. The fact that you sought immediate medical attention will prove you were injured. Request copies of medical records and bills from any providers who evaluate and treat you. You might also want to start writing a journal about your physical symptoms and your injuries’ progression.

Consult a professional

You should refrain from talking with insurance companies without consulting an attorney first. Avoiding legal pitfalls is key to ensuring you do not get lower compensation than what you deserve. Contact a personal injury attorney for advice and counsel on how to proceed.